Breaking News:


by J. Gary DiLaura

I have NOT heard anybody, but MYSELF, tell you what Hussein has been up to and is continuing to do…to make America a Socialist, Islamic Nation!

First …we have to understand what you have heard from me MANY times. In my opinion, Obiden NEVER ran the Office of the President! It is/was not his idea to open the borders…nor to stop drilling for oil, gas, nor interrupting pipelines like the Keystone Pipeline (500,000 barrels a day) and 1.3 billion barrels since opening in/about 2012! All 2,700 miles…not pumping anything now because Hussein said so!

I believe the interrupting of all commodities was planned by Obama and utilized the dumbest personnel for critical agencies and bureaus…like Buttigieg for transportation, Granholm for Secretary of Energy who didn’t believe that stopping the mega millions of barrels daily… had any effect on the outrageous prices…5-10 dollars a gallon at the pump! Then there is Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury… she needs no intro!

The plan that Obama orchestrated to flip America into a Socialist nation, then Islamic, was/is clever…bankrupt America, cause/create chaos…looting, lawlessness…then who will come on his white horse to rescue America…Hussein! That was NOT Hussein’s idea…it is Piven and Cloward! The Grid will be down, which means no electricity to run any of the pumps…water, gas for heat, gasoline for cars, diesel for supply line trucks, our military machines of war!!!

That, ladies and gentlemen, is EXACTLY what Hussein’s favorite Columbia professors wrote in a book …to do away with the Constitution and make America a Socialist nation by putting every human on a welfare system/program, allowing everyone into the US who wants to come and enjoy the free benefits.

Spend, spend, spend …on every dumb ass program you can find. Obama could only do that with the backing of Congress…both Houses, Senate and House of Representatives. Everything was in line…America…at the weakest it’s been since the British ruled!

Then came Trump (thank God!) and the American Republic. We won…or did we? NOT SO FAST!

Has the head of the snake been removed? Not even close! Hussein’s backer, George Soros, needs to be brought to answer how he swore to honor our Constitution and then finance a guy (Hussein) whose lifelong promise to Allah is to present Allah with an Islamic America!

In my opinion, without Soros’ money, Hussein Obama falls flat on his Muslim face! So, stop Soros from interfering in US elections by purchasing politically critical positions like the 200 State AG’s, Mayor and any other he could buy! Strip Soros’ citizenship. He has violated his sworn oath to become a US Citizen …his Oath of Allegiance…

“I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law…so help me God.”

George Soros broke everything he SWORE to do and not do, as a US Citizen. If we don’t enforce an oath…then why have one? Trying to destroy our Constitution, like Obama did, goes beyond violating an Oath…it’s Treason, death penalty, my legal opinion!

We must remove Hussein Obama from the freedoms our system gave Obama and made him richer than he ever imagined and if you voted for him, you voted for a traitor! He came in with a “net worth” of $250,000 and went out 8 years later worth some $25-35 million…not bad for $400,000 per year?!
What President retained a staff of 20,000 employees and 250 offices AFTER he retired from politics? Answer…Obama. My numbers may be off a little but not enough to matter.

What’s he up to? The same exact thing he was born to do…make America… Islamic…and don’t you forget it! Hussein Obama is an enemy to the United States and must be STOPPED and arrested and tried for his crimes. Those who conspired with him, depending on many factors, could be offered immunity.

From US Code, Title 18 Section 2381…”18 U.S.C. § 2381 says, “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or imprisoned and fined, and incapable of holding any U.S. office.”

I heard millions of you gasp…didn’t know that did you? If that’s true and it is…, what would you call leaving billions of dollars of brand new, high tech military weapons, vehicles, munitions in Iraq allowing our enemies Iran and ISIS to take them? There is Probable Cause, in my opinion, to arrest Hussein Obama for Treason, right now. I’ve written literally hundreds of Complaints to Arrest Criminals and with what he did as president, before, during and after, is plenty of PC …but let’s do an Indictment OUTSIDE of the WDC FEDERAL Court District!
“Cheaper to leave it”, Milley is alleged to have said…? NO… burning it and rendering it useless is cheaper and not TREASONOUS!

If the Iraq withdrawal isn’t Treason…what is…how about the Afghanistan withdrawal…I sure hope Husseins fingerprints are ALL OVER, figuratively, those documents and munitions…and Lithium and Cadmium! Obama probably isn’t worried because he can rely on Obiden to take the “chair” for him…it would be shocking if he did… wouldn’t it?

You want more? Obama GAVE Iran +/- $180,000,000,000 using, “It’s their money”, as the excuse…I say if it is their money, why did we have it? For how long? Did Obama deduct for the lost American lives? How about the Embassies we know Iran attacked and destroyed and on and on. I believe we did not owe the bastard anything…what say you? All those Americans they killed and got away with, and Obama gave them what…cash? How about give that money to the families of lost soldiers?

How do we know that deal was underhanded? Because it was not only billions in CASH…it was in many country forms of money and totally unlawful. If a US official gave John Gotti hundreds of billions in cash from every country you can imagine? Would you question it?

If I were an Agent again, I would open a major criminal investigation on Barack Hussein Obama, starting with where he was born. In case you don’t understand evidence, the Prima Facia evidence against Obama’s birthplace is overwhelming …it was NOT in the United States! Arizona and the forensics by several sources including the Vatican’s Team proved that, beyond a shadow of doubt. But the crimes against America are overwhelming. Every document he forged…had forged, is a felony and with there being no Statute of Limitations, and Wire Fraud, Mail Fraud; it could also be a RICO case, as a side dish! Then there’s the million government documents Obama stole from numerous government sources, before, during and after leaving office.

President Trump, we need to put together a team of retired Agents who worked Criminal Cases and were successful. There are many of us… a little slow on the draw…but can still shoot straight and solve crimes! I for one, would love to supervise that case.