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by J. Gary DiLaura

When I became an Agent in 1969, we had 180 federal criminal violations to investigate. They ran the gamut from Bank Robbery to Kidnapping to Interstate Theft, Political Corruption, Escape Federal Prisoners, Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution for Several Crimes, and more.

Hunter/Gatherer aka Counterintelligence was something that the Security Squads were responsible for BUT did not make any “cases” or make any arrests for Espionage, Treason, Sabotage, and the other “crimes” they were overlooking…?! Mostly they followed foreign Agents and kicked them out…politically. They could not be arrested! When a Russian Diplomat was driving drunk and killed a pedestrian, they had to detain him and turn him over to their Embassy to be kicked out… nothing could be done except that!

When the BLA (Black Liberation Army) started killing COPS (the number went to 1 per day, 365 per year), they took the BLA, Weathermen and Black Panthers… and put the cases on the criminal squads. The security Agents were not equipped, trained, tough enough to handle the likes of Herman Bell, Twyman Meyers, Anthony Bottoms, Avon White, Joanne Chesimard … pretty much everyone took us on…and lost!

The Oklahoma Bombing was assigned to the security squads, but the Criminal Agents did the work, cracked the case. I was assigned the Case Lead in Buffalo and given the responsibility at the request of the Security Supervisor and the SAC. I was BR Supervisor and retiring as soon as the OKC case was solved.  Another Agent and I took Tim’s father, Bill McVeigh, to the OKC prison for an interview. The OKC Security Case Agent asked if I was going to advise Tim his rights…I didn’t answer. What would you do…?

The AG Reno told me and the ASAC in a three-way conversation to talk Bill into going to the prison with us. Well, the ASAC was in the office, and I was in the McVeigh residence getting a “no way” will he go! It took 6 hours to change his mind and off we went to OKC in military aircraft to a National Guard runway. Tempers were so bad …it seemed like everybody had somebody killed in the bombing, so we had to sneak Bill into a secure location!

A Security Agent couldn’t put together a Search Warrant, Arrest Warrant, nor safely make any arrests. They did not retain the Academy training on criminal matters…arrests, investigations, search warrants…not their fault…it wasn’t their job! They were strictly surveillance and nothing else. Just look at the “raids” on all the poor victims for being associated with President Trump. That was total incompetence by all those involved from Rosenstein to FBI McCabe (evidence in his desk drawer…OMG), CNN was invited to and PARTICPATED in some searches ALONG WITH SWAT and HRT. Every Agent who participated in that illegal search of President Trump’s home should be fired…then charged with staging/tampering with evidence, displaying/exposing confidential documents to the public!

Big difference between criminal cases and security cases. I never heard of an arrest in a Security Case, or a “case” solved (they didn’t have any) or a search made OR a gunfight by security, intel, counter terrorist Agents…ever!

This next set of events…describes PERFECTLY and could not be more illustrative of what the FBI USED to be and needs to go back to doing…

The Agent Supervisor I had in Charleston, SC, my first assignment, was a Security Agent in the NYO for 20 years and never made an arrest! His first arrest was with me when I arrested an IO (Identification Order) Fugitive, who was one step from “Top 10 Fugitive Program”! This arrest in Charleston was on a case that was solved because of an informant I developed! This case represents the importance of Criminal Cases and Informants!! The FBI, indeed, Lawmen, could not solve most cases without informants! The informant in this case in Charleston allowed me to solve an armed robbery of a Bronx Deli, during which a NYPD Uniform Officer was shot and killed, by this armed subject. I identified the subject and solved the homicide because of this informant. This Fugitive was wanted for a dozen violent armed robberies all over the South and would have been NEXT for the Top 10 Program. I was fighting with him as he was trying to pull a gun…Sr stayed at the front door, my partners broke down the door and came in. See the difference?

Later I learned, FBI Director Hoover followed ALL police killings like this and believed this case would not be solved! The homicide was in October 1968, and this was probably a year later and 1400 miles away! The killing of an NYO Uniform, at that time, the early 1970s, was when the BLA killings with other Cop killings hit 365 a year!

Director Hoover called my SAC Roland Trent and congratulated him for the success of one of his Agents and when told he was a first office Agent of a few months…he couldn’t believe it and said … “That’s a first, congratulate him for me”.

So, what happened to the FBI? Cases like that …are no more! In my opinion, James Comey, a very smart person and friend of Obama, saw an opportunity to literally “take over the FBI” …for himself/Hussein Obama …for personal reasons?!

Comey/Obama know…either way… they did all they could to direct serious criminal investigations away from their friends, like Hillary, Hunter, Obiden, Hussein! They made Headquarters, Office of Origin.  He took Hillary’s name out of the title of the case?! They allowed lawyers and a witness/lawyer, Huma Abedin, to attend Hillary’s interview…that was a dismissible mistake for an FBI Agent. You see…absolutely… there is NO good, NONE, for the Government that can come from a lawyer sitting with his client while he/she is being interviewed for the purpose of solving a crime that the client is believed to have committed…DUH!

Comey took the “stinger” away from the FBI criminal Agents by taking away Criminal Cases… and contact with the public… by electronic phone answering, “call 911” …what?

When FBI Director Hoover became Director, he fired all the Agents he believed to be political and created an Academy for training.

Comey took away all the incentives of FBI Agents, to even carry their guns, and that’s a fact. By not receiving OJT (On Job Training) on Criminal Cases and how to develop Informants, how to take a case to trial, how to testify, how to shoot a gun…all diminished to Hunter/Gather and have fun!

The FBI ABSOLUTELY MUST reacquire all those violations that Hoover used, to build the best law enforcement Agency the World has ever seen!

I have said many times, the FBI Director MUST be a strong, FORMER Agent with a strong background in Violent Crimes or the FBI will be gone! Criminal Violations provide the FBI with necessary Informants…Hunter/Gatherers do not. How many Treason, Sabotage, Espionage cases have you heard the FBI recently solved, charged, made arrests? One or two per year?

The reason I was so successful, more arrests in my last year in NYO, 57…than the entire Buffalo Division did over a 3-year period, is we had 500 BR Cases a year, and I was a hard charger. As an aside, I presented Rudy Giuliani his first BR case.

In Buffalo, we worked criminal cases and were successful at solving 92% of the BRs with about as many as 100 a year. From those crimes, my squad had the best informants, solved the most cases, made the most recoveries and had the most convictions…period. That’s what happens when FBI Agents are allowed to do what they swore to do…” Enforce the Laws of the United States”!

If Agents do not work criminal cases, the FBI turns to CRAP…that’s where it is right now! Comey shut down those cases and turned the FBI over to his personal lap dogs. Look at what they did…filed for a FISA, Illegal Search Warrants on a dozen innocent citizens just to get at Trump… Carter Page, Roger Stone, Papadopoulos, President Trump and several others…every single one is ILLEGAL! They also wiretapped the Republican National Committee, ILLEGALLY!

When President Trump took office, I said fire Comey and do not hire any judges. Hire an Agent who has been in battle on the streets and has heavy criminal experience and DO NOT HIRE A Judge…and he did…how’d that work out??

Another reason, in part, is because the two Agents Wray would rely on were…none other Strzok and McCabe. A Criminal savvy Agent would have arrested McCabe and Strzok! Both admitted lying under oath, McCabe hid evidence in his desk on the Hillary case AND they both lied to the FISA Court by not revealing that Hillary paid Fusion GPS to create The Steele Dossier, it was fictitious…and it was, according to Comey… “Salacious and unverified”. Then why did Comey sign it?

Any outsider will not know how things worked. For example, you cannot make FBI Headquarters the Office of Origin in a criminal case… no investigative staff, no evidence room, it’s simply not setup to run a criminal case.  FBI Rules are made for a reason…no defense attorney in interview room with his client…if client is a Subject.

Kash Patel may be brilliant, a genius even, but he has zero law enforcement experience. Again, would you appoint a citizen with zero military experience to the rank of combat General?

Read more in Action...FBI - Crime Fighting The Way It Was!